Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Windows Azure - my first more detailed look into it

I have got some time to look at the cloud services provided by Microsoft - the Windows Azure services. Seriously this name actually gives me an impression that it is some kind of video games. Probably because it reminds me of an old RPG game called 'Curse of the Azure Bonds'. Maybe some know it is based on the Dungeons & Dragons universe. I even have a story book on that.

Anyway the Windows Azure provides something-as-a-service (SaaS), anything-as-a-service (AaaS), ...the as-a-service concept.  It has virtual platform services, mobile services, database services, web sites, just to name a few.  Individual developers will like these.  It gives them access to wide range of expensive infrastructure services to perform some proof-of-concepts application developments.  Oh I should mention that it gives a 90-day free-trial for anyone who signs up.

I have to try that out one day...